"Han Silo"
Inventor of a Grain Storage Device

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The Poca Post is pleased to issue a stamp honoring Mr. Han Silo, inventor of a revolutionary grain storage device.

In 1874 Mr. Emmett Grubb of Pliny-on-the-Poca decided that he could shave considerable costs from well-making.  After a well was dug, it had to be lined with brick to keep it from collapsing.  This was the most expensive part of well-making.  Mr. Grubb decided that he could build the brick well facing above ground, and then dig the well from beneath it, thus making the job less expensive.  He had Godfrey Zott, a well-known douser, find a likely spot, and he erected a brick structure that resembled the interior of a large well.  

Then he had men come in to dig out from under the structure.  This went well, and the brick structure was lowered about 15 feet into the ground in this fashion.  However, at this point, the workers refused to dig any deeper fearing that the entire structure would collapse on them.  For almost 20 years this structure sat unminded.

In 1892 Mr. Han Silo took note of the untended structure and came up with a use for it.  He decided that it would be a good place to store corn and grain.  He had a cap built for it, and had some windows and a door installed.  This was such a successful storage structure, that farmers began to ask for similar "silos" (as they came to be called) to be built on their farms.

By 1902, Mr. Han Silo had become a wealthy man as a result of his highly utile invention.

The stamp honoring Han Silo was issued on 14 August, 2002 in a pane of 12 stamps in the denomination of 9 poca units.


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